Using Lisa Server as the Authentication Server
Date: 12/12/2016

Management = Cloud associated to my computer, using a real network card with Internet access.
Host = Qemu host with Linux Microcore and 802.1x compliant.
NO_DOT1x (host not 802.1x compliant) = Router emulating a computer.
LISA (Authentication Server) = CentOS LiSa Qemu image with Free Radius Server installed.
Authenticator = Etherswitch with c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T5.bin
Task 1. Configuring the Authentication Server (FreeRadius installed on linux)
Step 1. Download the LISA Server image and configure it on GNS3.
NOTE Say thanks to Brezular for his excellent work.
Step 2. Start LISA Server on GNS3 and login to CentOS.
username/password = root/password
Start the switch, but don’t configure it yet. We need Internet access to configure LISA.
Assign an static IP on LISA Server and add the default gateway:
ifconfig eth0 netmask up
route add default gw dev eth0
NOTE is the IP address of my DSL router. You need Internet connection to install Free Radius. Test the Internet connection by using ping
FreeRadius is installed on LISA Server (CentOS LiSa Qemu image), but if not, run the following command in root mode:
yum install freeradius.i386
Step 3. Client configuration (subnet, radius key).
Modify the following file:
vi /etc/raddb/clients.conf
Add these lines (use the Insert key of the keyboard; remove # if necessary):
#For local testing purposes
client {
secret = juanma
shortname = all_subnets
nastype = other
#For local testing purposes
client {
secret = juanma
shortname = all_subnets
nastype = other
#In the following configuration we choose radius server key (juanma) and access from authenticator (switch) to Radius from all #subnets (
client {
secret = juanma
shortname = all_subnets
nastype = other
Save this file with: ESC + :wq + INTRO
NOTE juanma = NAS-secret (configured on Authenticator)
In this configuration we choose radius server key (juanma) and access from authenticator (switch) to Radius from all subnets (
A network access server (NAS) is a single point of access to a remote resource. The client (supplicant) connects to the NAS (Authenticator). The NAS then connects to another resource (Radius Server) asking whether the client's supplied credentials are valid. Based on that answer the NAS then allows or disallows access to the protected resource.
Step 4. Users configuration.
There are 3 blocks of commands configured here for supporting different levels of authentication.
Privilege level 1 – user exec mode. Username is admin and password is cisco. You get to this mode after you are successfully authenticated by Radius server during your telnet or console session.
Privilege level 15 – this is privileged exec mode (enable mode). Password is cisco
Privilege level 15 for Telnet; mainly used by lazy administrators who want to jump directly to level 15 . Username is admin15 and password cisco15.
Note: You need to configure aaa authorization exec default group radius in Cisco switch IOS to get level 15 for vty users.
a) To add users:
vi /etc/raddb/users
#Privilege level 1 — Normal level on Telnet; includes all user-level commands at the router> prompt
“admin” Auth-Type == Local , User-Password == “cisco”
Service-Type = “NAS-Prompt-User”
#Privilege level 15 — Includes all enable-level commands at the router# prompt.
$enab15$ Auth-Type == Local , User-Password == “cisco”
#Privilege level 15 for Telnet; vty users get the router# prompt
#The Command bellow is needed in IOS to get level 15 privilege working for vty users:
#aaa authorization exec default group radius
“admin15″ Auth-Type == Local , User-Password == “cisco15″
Service-Type = “NAS-Prompt-User”,
cisco-avpair = “shell:priv-lvl=15″
#Dot1x users configuration
“CiscoClient” User-Password == “cisco”
b) Configure /etc/raddb/radius.conf
vi /etc/raddb/radius.conf
In oder to configure freeradius for EAP-MD5 , in the /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf file the authorized section must have eap :
authorize {
#In the authenticate section must have eap uncommented:
authenticate {
c) Configure the EAP module under /etc/raddb/eap.conf to support eap-md5 (only see, you do not have to change anything).
vi /etc/raddb/eap.conf
eap {
md5 {
Step 5. Start Radius deamon (restart deamon after each change in Free Radius configuration).
/etc/init.d/radiusd restart
NOTE: maybe this deamon is up and the authentication process fails (two Radius Servers running at the same time), so run the following command:
killall radiusd
Enter debug mode:
radiusd –X
If everything is right, at the end of the output we will see: “Ready to process requests”

Step 6. Testing the users.
NOTE You can test the users configured on /etc/raddb/users: but, you won’t be able to test the dot1x user (CiscoClient/cisco).
For example:
radtest admin cisco 0 juanma
username: admin
password: cisco
Radius Server IP address:
NAS_port: 0
NAS-secret: juanma
If everything is OK, you’ll see in the output an “Access-Accept packet from host …” :

Task 2. Linux Microcore Configuration
Step 1. Start Microcore Linux on GNS3.
Step 2. Configure the interface.
Really, this step should be the last one, but we need Internet connection on HOST to run 802.1x-compliant system software, the first time. So I will use the Internet connection before configuring the switch.
Administrator mode (root): sudo su
DHCP activation: udhcpc
To know what IP is assigned to eth0 interface: ifconfig eth0
We can test the Internet connection with: ping
Step 3. Install wpa_supplicant extension to Microcore.
tce-load -iw wpa_supplicant.tcz
We need Internet connection do download the wpa_supplicant.tcz file from the Internet (distro.ibiblio.org).
Note: Don’t run this as root (su -).
Step 4. Dot1x Client configuration.
Wpa_supplicant.conf doesn’t exist so we must create it. Enter root mode: sudo su
vi /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
NOTE Use vi editor to add the following commands (press Insert buttom):
Save this file with: ESC + :wq + INTRO
This configuration works for EAP-MD5 authentication. Before the switch allows dot1x client (Microcore) access to the network client needs to be authenticated with username CiscoClient and password cisco on Radius (remember the aaa authentication dot1x default group radius local command).
Task 3. Configuring the Authenticator (NAS client).
enable secret dot1x
aaa new-model
aaa authentication dot1x default group radius local
aaa authentication login default group radius local
#Here, we’ve told Authenticator to use RADIUS for authentication and to fall back to the local user database if the RADIUS server is not available. We #don’t want to DoS ourselves!
#To use the enable password created on Free Radius (cisco):
aaa authentication enable default group radius enable
#The following command will allow the user to run an “exec, #” shell when logging into the router:
aaa authorization exec default group radius
#For accounting:
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group radius
aaa accounting system default start-stop group radius
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool JUANTRON
dot1x system-auth-control
username juantron privilege 15 secret juantron
interface FastEthernet1/0
switchport mode access
dot1x port-control force-authorized
spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet1/1
switchport mode access
dot1x port-control force-authorized
spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet1/2
switchport mode access
dot1x port-control force-authorized
spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet1/3
switchport mode access
dot1x port-control auto
spanning-tree portfast
interface Vlan1
ip address
radius-server host auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 key juanma
Task 4. Start wpa_supplicant for wired ethernet eth0.
Free the eth0 interface on supplicant. For example:
sudo ifconfig eth0 up
Start wpa_supplicant for eth0 on Linux Microcore:
wpa_supplicant -ieth0 -Dwired –c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
NOTE Maybe you have to delete /var/run/wpa_supplicant/eth0 if the previous command fails.
The authentication process shoud be successful.


If you enable debug dot1x all on the authenticator:
AUTHENTICATOR# debug dot1x all
*Mar 1 08:45:45.561: dot1x-registry:** dot1x_switch_vp_statechange:
*Mar 1 08:45:45.561: dot1x-ev:vlan 1 vp is added on the interface FastEthernet1/3
*Mar 1 08:45:45.593: dot1x-ev:dot1x_switch_addr_add: Added MAC 00aa.0054.c600 to vlan 1 on interface FastEthernet1/3
*Mar 1 08:45:45.597: dot1x-ev:Received successful Authz complete for 00aa.0054.c600
*Mar 1 08:45:45.597: dot1x-sm:Posting AUTHZ_SUCCESS on Client=66894188
*Mar 1 08:45:45.601: dot1x_auth Fa1/3: during state auth_authz_success, got event 25(authzSuccess)
*Mar 1 08:45:45.601: @@@ dot1x_auth Fa1/3: auth_authz_success -> auth_authenticated
*Mar 1 08:45:45.601: dot1x-sm:Fa1/3:00aa.0054.c600:auth_authenticated_enter called
*Mar 1 08:45:45.601: dot1x-packet:dot1x_mgr_send_eapol :EAP code: 0x3 id: 0x3 length: 0x0004 type: 0x0 data:
*Mar 1 08:45:45.601: dot1x-ev:FastEthernet1/3:Sending EAPOL packet to group PAE address
*Mar 1 08:45:45.601: dot1x-ev:dot1x_mgr_pre_process_eapol_pak: Role determination not required on FastEthernet1/3.
*Mar 1 08:45:45.605: dot1x-registry:registry:dot1x_ether_macaddr called
*Mar 1 08:45:45.605: dot1x-ev:dot1x_mgr_send_eapol: Sending out EAPOL packet on FastEthernet1/3
*Mar 1 08:45:45.605: EAPOL pak dump Tx
*Mar 1 08:45:45.605: EAPOL Version: 0x2 type: 0x0 length: 0x0004
*Mar 1 08:45:45.605: EAP code: 0x3 id: 0x3 length: 0x0004
*Mar 1 08:45:45.605: dot1x-packet:dot1x_txReq: EAPOL packet sent to client (00aa.0054.c600)
*Mar 1 08:45:48.149: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet1/3, changed state to up
If Free Radius debug mode is running on Qemu LISA (radiusd –X), we will see:

Finally, on supplicant:

Task 5. Testing users on supplicant.
root@box:~# telnet
User Access Verification
Username: admin
Password: <cisco>
Password: <cisco>
root@box:~# telnet
User Access Verification
Username: admin15
Password: <cisco15>
Other links:
NOTE: Your e-mail will not be shown in the output. You can use an invalid e-mail, if you want.
Thank you for your co-operation in helping me to improve.